I've been so busy getting ready for Christmas and the baby I keep forgetting to post pictures. Here are some good pics of us preparing for the holidays. So this will be a little catch up from Thanksgiving to Christmas cookie making, which happened yesterday.
This was on Thanksgiving day! We enjoyed a nice family dinner with my sister, Cortney, her husband and his family. Josie fell in love with Eddie's little niece, Emma!
The day after Thanksgiving we had Thanksgiving ,Part 2 at our house. I cooked all the things Rich likes to eat and we decorated for Christmas. Josie's friend Julia came over to help.
Here they are playing under the tree.
Here they are making a ginger bread man craft.
The finished product!
Josie always gives Santa about a minute before she starts crying.
She is obsessed with my nutcracker and angel decorations.
Josie posing in her Christmas dresses. She made me search for the Santa hat before I could take any pictures.
Cookie Time!
The finished product!
We hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday. The next update will probably be after our little boy is born.